Thursday, March 14, 2013

2013-03-14 Thu

Clear Thinking

The news-papers are full of articles about the new pope.
The Toronto Star's editorial maintains " ... a community of believers that after 2,000 years, keeps on growing. The faithful now number 1.2 billion, up from 700 million when John Paul II was elected".
Pope John Paul II was elected in October 1978.
Pope Francis on Wednesday, March 13, 2013.
In that interval the world's population has jumped from 4.3 billion to 7 billion.
The question is, has the number of believers as a percentage of the world's population grown? Or has it shrunk?
Do the math!
P.S. there are indisputably more males named "Chris Greaves" on the planet than there were in 1978, 1946, 1912 etc.


We have a condominium boom here, been going on for the last million years, it seems.
The two buildings outside my residence were having all their balcony-glass replaced when I moved in a year ago.
This morning on my way to Canadian Tire, corner of Bay and Dundas, I spotted another building with similar problems
Visit for this image! Home_0314130841-00.jpg
If you look from the bottom at the second row of balconies, you'll see that the two on the right each have an apparent hole; the hole is masked off with a wire grill. Those holes represent broken and/or fallen glass.
Two rows further up, more gaping holes.
If the solution here is the same as my neighbours, every glass panel will be removed, and then replaced with better glass.
That means a period of months with the area below blocked off for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
The cost of putting up condos quickly and cheaply!

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